Taking The Mystery Out Of Retirement Planning

Create Your Account

For your convenience, you can register to save the information you have entered on the worksheets. If you create an account, you can return and view all of your saved information. If you choose not to register, the information that you enter will be saved for this session only. For privacy and the protection of your entries, you must provide the information below to establish secure access to your account information. For more information, see the Department’s Privacy and Security Statement.

How does this work? Enter your username and a password. For additional privacy, choose a username that is not personally identifiable. Note that you need to write down your username and password, as neither you nor the Department of Labor will be able to retrieve them. If you register today, the numbers that you enter on the worksheets will be saved when you click on the Save button. Then when you return, just sign-in with your username and password, load your saved information, and you will see the information that you previously filled in on the worksheets. You can delete your data at any time.

How long will I have access to my information? You will have access to the information that you enter for one year. Once you have entered all of your data, we encourage you to return within the year - or more often - to review your progress.

If not, enter your username and a password of at least 8 characters.

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Required fields.